Monday, June 8, 2009


I'm continuing in my fashion of blog neglect. Every day is packed full of 12 things that should have 5 things in them. But that's how we roll! The countdown has begun for a few things on our radar. Namely, Howard's college classes end this thursday. For the summer anyway. So the next few days are plumb full of finals for him. Our boys last day of school was Tuesday. They have been out for almost a full week now, and howard's last day of teaching was Thursday. Baseball season is wrapping up with only 2 games left for Jordan and 1 for Grant. I'm still working graveyard about 6 days a week and officially tired of overtime hours. But, we are heading to disneyland in just under a month and I am trying to stash as much cash as possible for the roadtrip to So Cal. Jordan is still racing bikes a few times a week and I actually jumped on a bike with him yesterday and rode to baseball practice with him a few miles down the road.
The kids are enjoying being out of school and I am enjoying the sporting events they participate in. The weather has been georgous with occassional thunderstorms and the kids are enjoying the outdoors as well.
On the radar for the upcoming weeks are two basketball camps for Howard's basketball teams, a yard sale, a bike race in the mountains, a baby shower for a friend, 4th of July celebrations, a two week vacation from work for me that includes a trip to visit all of our family in California, disneyland, legoland, and then in August a camping trip to the beach with some good friends. Somewhere in all that we have Grant and Jordan's birthday's and our 12th anniversary.
Does your summer look like this? I can't wait for the fun to begin! It starts Thursday night with a celebration that the endless homework has ceased (for 2 months at least).
Ok, time to start the day...

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